What is Missional- Part #2

Here’s the second part of the video clip discussing the difference between the seeker sensitive model and the principled missional church. If you haven’t seen part one check it out from my previous post. I’m pretty sure some in the “seeker church” movement would be uncomfortable with Driscoll’s description of “seeker sensitive” but I still think he does a lot to help clarify what we mean when we talk about being missional.

~ by Larry Kirk on May 20, 2009.

3 Responses to “What is Missional- Part #2”

  1. This sounds like the same thing to me. Do people really see one canceling out the other? Shouldent the church be more sensitive towards the seeker? Even if it comes in the form of a water bottle.

  2. I don’t think they cancel each other out but rather that the more missional approach helps correct some common imbalances in the seeker sensitive model. The issue isn’t the water bottle, as I imagine you know.

    One issue is that the focus that begins with the needs of the seeker too often ends up neglecting aspects of Christian life and doctrine that might offend the challenge sensibilities of the seeker. The missional approach wants to be sensitive also but would not neglect those more difficult aspects of Christian faith and life because it begins with the mission not the sensitivities of the seeker. Sometime it is a matter of priorities and there could be a lot of overlap. However from what I’ve seen, the outworking of these two mindsets manifests in significant although sometimes subtle ways.

    The other issue is developing the mindset which Driscoll described in these words: “We’re talking about shifting the responsibility for converts from the church program to just that every Christian is supposed to be salt and light where ever they happen to be with everyone they happen to meet.”

    I don’t know if you listened to the first clip but in my opinion it focused more on the first distinctive while this clip focused more on the second.

  3. Part 2 puts the individual believer in a more challenging position,
    having to grapple with love, communication plus listening to God and his word. It is more like playing a musical instrument than listening to someone else play. I can listen to music all day, but playing it takes skill that I would have to learn.

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